The Best Products
NZ's trusted gift Box company.
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100% NZ owned and operated
Featured collection
We deliver Happiness
Gift Box Gallery connects people through the modern gifting with love, care and personal touch for your loved one.
Each gift box is filled with products you may know from brands we know they'll love!!!
These aren't your standard gift boxes with generic filler products- ours are gift that will actully be used.
we are excited to introduce our latest addition to our collection: string art!
String art is a timeless and captivating art form that has been around for decades. It involves weaving strings or thread around nails or pins to create beautiful and intricate designs.
Our string art pieces are not only visually stunning, but they also make for meaningful gifts that will be cherished for years to come. Whether you're looking to surprise a loved one on their birthday, anniversary, or any other special occasion, our string art pieces are sure to make them smile.
That gift that's going to say: I care, I'm thinking of you, Hey Gorgeous, Congratulations, I owe you one!
Beautifully Presented
Making You Look Good
Personal Touches
Large Scale Gifting